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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What are the ways to donate using The Kingdom Ledger?
A: You can donate using the following methods: Q: How do I set up a recurring donation?
A: Follow these steps:
  1. Log in at
  2. Select the donation amount and fund type.
  3. Set the recurrence frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.) and first transaction date.
  4. Choose your preferred payment method (credit card or bank).
  5. Confirm and create the recurring donation.

Manual How to Donate Using The Kingdom Ledger

Q: How do I modify or cancel a recurring donation?
A: Log in to your account, navigate to the dashboard, and select the recurring donation you want to modify or cancel.

Q: What is the "Trialing" status for recurring donations?
A: If the donation start date is in the future, the status will appear as “Trialing” until the first transaction is processed.

Q: Can I create multiple recurring donations?
A: Yes, you can create multiple recurring donations for different fund types or at different frequencies.

Manual How to Set Up a Recurring Donation on The Kingdom Ledger

Q: How do managers add donations on behalf of users?
A: Managers can:
  1. Log in to the Manager Portal.
  2. Select a user’s profile.
  3. Choose to add a one-time or recurring donation, or manually record a cash donation.
Q: How do I manage user accounts as a manager?
A: Managers can view active/inactive users, edit user details, and deactivate or reactivate user accounts while preserving transaction records. Q: Can I process manual transactions (cash donations)?
A: Yes, managers can record manual transactions using the “Manual Transaction” option under a user’s profile.

Q: What are the password requirements for The Kingdom Ledger?
A: Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and include:
  • One uppercase letter
  • One lowercase letter
  • One number
  • One special character
Q: Is an account automatically created for new donors?
A: Yes, if you donate without an existing account, a new account will be created using the email provided. Q: How is my payment information secured?
A: The Kingdom Ledger uses industry-standard encryption to secure payment details. Bank account verification is required for e-check transactions.

Q: Who can I contact for help with donations or recurring payments?
A: For technical support or questions about your donations, please contact or call 844.833.5011.
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